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  • Mind the Gap - Interface Problems between EC Chemicals Law and sectoral environmental legislation
    Führ, M./Merenyi, S.; In: Review of European Community and International Environmental Law (RECIEL), 15, 2006 (3), 281-292 (Blackwell Publishing).
  • Implementation of risk reduction measures under REACh
    Toxic ignorance has become a major issue in the current debate on chemical policy both in the EU and the US. The term refers to a lack of knowledge of the health and environmental properties, as well as the mechanisms of action, of Existing Chemicals. There can be little doubt that this term also goes to the heart of the problem facing us today. However, the availability of such data – at any rate for individual substances – gives rise to a new problem, which is that such data must now be evaluated in light of the actions that need to be taken. Here the legal interface with other sector of environmental legislation are crucial.
    "Inter-face problems between REACh and sector specific environmental legislation (IPPC/WFD)" is the titel of a study carried out on behalf of the German Federal Environmental Agency.
    Download of the english version: UBA - Text 04/2005 (pdf, 1,5 MB).
    German Version: UBA - Text 03/2005 (pdf, 1,5 MB).
  • ELNI forum
    On June 30, 2005 the study was presented at an ELNI forum in Brussels, hosted once again by the Centre d'étude du droit de l'environnement at the Faculté de droit des Facultés universitaires Saint-Louis.
    Download of the presentation at the ELNI forum.