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Ongoing Projects (Selection)

In the context of the EU-LIFE-Program 20 partners covering 13 EU countries joined forces. LIFE AskREACH has the overall goal to enhance substitution of SVHC in articles by increasing the market demand for SVHC free articles and supporting industrial actors to identify SVHC in their articles. The project does not target industrial processing or particular articles or substances directly, but contributes to exposure reduction by raising awareness and ultimately changing the purchasing behaviour of consumers as well as the approaches to product design by the market actors.
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Indicators on regional knowledge transfer structures for sustainable development (IreWiNE)
The central research question of this project is whether regional innovation systems with their knowledge transfer structures differ in their innovation output and their contribution to sustainable development when they are explicitly geared to sustainable development. To answer this question, IreWiNE investigates the structural characteristics of four regional knowledge transfer structures: "InnovationCampus SNIC", "system innovation for sustainable development" (s:ne), Eberswalde University of Applied Sciences and HSA_transfer.
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Regulatory experimentation spaces for the reflective and adaptive governance of innovations (REraGI)
Regulatory frameworks have a decisive influence on how complex transformation processes such as sustainability transitions take place. In order to effectively promote innovative developments, it can be useful to consider regulatory options outside existing structures. One way to systematically test and evaluate regulatory alternatives is to create " regulatory experiments". Regulatory experiments open up the possibility of initially testing the effects of innovations and laws, regulations and other regulatory measures within a limited setting. In addition, they can use exceptions from the regulatory framework to reduce barriers for innovation. REraGI analyses more than 25 international example cases using a specially developed scheme to determine how regulatory experiments can induce the greatest possible learning effect. More information on the project page (in english)...

Consumer behaviour and Innovation towards sustainable Chemistry (CInChem/KInChem)
Funded by the German Federal Ministry for Ecudaction and Research (BMBF) sofia conducts a research project in collaboration with the german branch of Friends of the Earth (BUND), the International Chemical Secretariat (ChemSec) and the research group on regulatory toxicology of the Stockholm University.
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Market opportunites for „Sustainable Chemistry“ triggered by the REACH Regulation
How to foster proactive approaches to chemicals management, in particular with regard to "substances in articles" is the core question in this transdisziplinary research project. Und the lead of sofia member companies of the  Federal Association of the German sports goods industry (BSI) and Association of textile- and leather chemicals manufacturers (TEGEWA) are looking into proaktive business models benefiting from chemicals legislation.
The project is funded by the German Federal Environmental Foundation (DBU).
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Latest update: 2020-11-06